Tutoring with We Solve Problems

We invite all students in Mathematics and related areas (Statistics, Theoretical Physics, etc) to apply for Tutor and Head tutor positions on Maths Circles.

Maths Circles are fun maths-loving training sessions for kids in school years 7–11. The sessions are based on extra-curriculum problems developed and provided by We Solve Problems. The main objective of Maths Circles is to teach critical thinking and problem solving, rather than application of memorised formulas.

Tutors will get:

  • Unique experience working with motivated kids
  • Enhanced DBS check paid by WSP
  • Necessary training to work with children
  • A fair pay of £30 per hour for university students

The head tutor, or the head of a Maths Circle, is a tutor who is in charge of admin tasks like communicating with the University and We Solve Problems, ensuring there are enough tutors for each session, and the like. The head tutor receives a double pay of £40 per hour.

Maths Circles are off-line, usually run on Saturdays for 1 hour 30 min during the whole of the school year. It is not necessary to attend all the sessions.

If you are interested in becoming one of our tutors, then, please fill in this form.

How are Math Circles Actually Run?

  • Before each session, a problem sheet is sent to the tutoring team, containing examples, problems and solutions.
  • At the start of the session, one of the tutors explains to the kids the solutions of the examples from the problem sheet.
  • The children then start solving the problems, and when they think they are ready they raise a hand and a tutor comes to listen to and discuss their solution. If the solution is correct, then the tutor marks the problem as solved. If the solution is incomplete or incorrect, the the tutor should praise the kid’s effort and encourage the kid to think a little bit more, softly directing them towards the solution.
  • When they leave the session the kids receive a full set of solutions of the problems studied to work at home (if they want to).