
We Solve Problems is an educational non-profit organisation (charity registration no. 1171037), founded by three enthusiasts, all of whom have personal experience of studying in Maths Circles and a PhD degree in Mathematics.


Goals & Mission

Our aim is to provide weekly training (Maths Circles) for the secondary school pupils and organise maths competitions (Maths Battles) among UK schools. Both are aimed to encourage creative mathematical thinking and to develop a skill in communicating mathematical ideas. One can consider the Maths Battles as an analogue of debate competitions but within the mathematical context.

Our mission is to make advanced mathematics more popular through the network of self sustaining Maths Circles and establish a Maths Battle League among the secondary schools of the UK.


Amir Aliev

Amir Aliev is a graduate of Moscow State University, majoring in Mathematics and later defending his PhD in Probability Theory. He is a partner at a high-frequency trading firm, where he heads the research in developing statistical models of the financial markets, and algorithms that trade automatically using those models.

As a student at one of the top schools in Moscow he experienced first-hand various innovative approaches to mathematical education, including maths battles. He was a multiple times winner of Moscow Mathematical Olympiad and represented Moscow in All-Russian Mathematical Competition.

Elena Boguslavskaya


Elena Boguslavskaya is a mathematician working in probability theory. She was exposed to mathematical education in Russia since her teens, initially as a student of a specialised maths school in Moscow, and later at the department of mathematics in Moscow State University. Elena did her PhD in Mathematics at the University of Amsterdam. At present she is a lecturer at Brunel University London.

Elena is a big enthusiast of extra-curriculum mathematical education, such as maths circles and maths battles. She believes that mathematics is a language in the first place, and it is vital to be exposed to this language through various extracurricular activities at school. By promoting maths battles and maths circles she hopes to encourage mathematical creativity in children and help them to develop a skill in communicating mathematical ideas.

Vassili Philipov


Vassili Philipov is the founder and CEO of an educational science company, MEL Science. Vassili attended a maths school in Saint-Petersburg. He was a bronze medalist at the International Physics Olympiad in 1994. Later he completed his PhD in Mathematics and founded two IT startup companies in the mobile industry. Both of which grew to more than one hundred employees. Vassili lives in Buckinghamshire with his wife and four children.

The Team

Ignat Fialkovskiy

General Manager

Phone: 07469 346565


Ignat Fialkovskiy is a graduate of St Petersburg State University, holding a PhD in Theoretical Physics of University of Sao Paulo, and of St. Petersburg State University.

He combined a successful scientific career (currently on leave from Federal University of ABC, Brazil) with developing his own start-up companies and commercial projects.

Darya Shedrinna

Head of Curriculum


Darya is a Bronze medalist of International Mathematical Olympiad herself, sharing her passions between scientific and outreach mathematics.​

Our Projects

Maths Circles

Maths Circles are maths-enjoying learning sessions of problem solving led by gifted young mathematicians.

Maths Battles

Maths Battles are debate competitions between two teams of students, where they acquire and demonstrate the problem-solving abilities.

Foundation COMPOS

Foundation COMPOS delivers the curriculum of the COMPOS programme (run by the Department of Physics, University of Oxford) to private school students in the UK and students outside the UK.

Maths Problems Database

A comprehensive database of mathematical problems for pupils in secondary school, covering both school curriculum and extra-curricular topics.